Hand holds a collapsed Mountain Minimal™ Scree™ 37 tripod, showing how small it is.

Save Space.
Shed Weight.
Spot Game.™

Hunter glasses from spotting scope mounted to a Mountain Minimal™ Scree™ 37 backcountry hunting tripod.
Hunter glasses from spotting scope mounted to a Mountain Minimal™ Scree™ 37 backcountry hunting tripod.

Save Space.
Shed Weight.
Spot Game.™

Mountain Minimal™ Scree™ 37 backcountry hunting tripod packed in a Stone Glacier backpack.
Mountain Minima backcountry hunting tripod packed in a Stone Glacier backpack with other hunting equipment.

Save Space.
Shed Weight.
Spot Game.™

Creative angle of the Mountain Minimal, Scree 37, Backcountry Hunting Tripod.
The Product

Tripods For
Backpack Hunters

  • Ultralight
  • Hyper-compact
  • Snag-proof Nesting Leg Locks™
  • Modular Center Column™
  • Backcountry durability
Two hunters cross a snowy pass between rock formations while mountain hunting.
The Company

Born in theBackcountry

Committed to stabilizing the backcountry experience, Mountain Minimal® produces quality equipment for the backpack hunter while embracing a conservation ethic.

"The Mountain Minimal® SCREE™ 37 disappears in the pack. . .

I actually thought I forgot it after hiking into a glassing spot in the dark. It turned out it was just hiding in the corner of my pack behind my rain jacket"
